Monday 21 January 2013

Preliminary Task Review

What Went Well
Match on action was successful. We cut from a long shot of Georgia from behind to a mid shot in front of her as she was crawling up the steps. We explored editing through changing the pace of the running-up-the stairs sequence. It helps to show the realism of Georgia getting from the bottom to the top of the stairs however, without boring the audience and showing the whole time that she was running.
Shot Reverse Shot
After completing our preliminary task as a group we realised that we didn't really execute "shot reverse shot" properly.  We didn't use it for dialogue as it is commonly used for.  Although we cut in over the shoulder shots from behind me, it only showed Georgia's movement rather than dialogue.
Jump Cuts
We also didn't focus on the fact that it was a continuity task and included jump cuts of Georgia flexing her muscles because we thought it was entertaining.
What Are We Doing About It?
We are going to focus on the task objective for our thriller openings to therefore meet the audiences expectations on the task.

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