Monday 7 January 2013

Product Research: Kill Bill (2003)

This particular thriller opening grabbed me because within the first second, I was engaged by just a black screen and the sound of heavy breathing. I was instantly asking questions as to what was going on and hooked by the time a close up on a woman's face appeared with cuts and blood over her. It appears in black and white which creates a dark and dangerous mood and also draws the audience in more.

We then see a shot of a person walking with just a close up on their shoes which introduces an element of mystery, one of the thriller conventions, and we associate this with the culprit. We're back to the scared, panting female but this time we hear the mysterious man speak. The same shot continues and his face stays hidden from our view. His hand appears in the frame and he begins to wipe the blood off the woman's face with a handkerchief with the name 'Bill' embroidered on it. We immediately realise who the man is from the title of the film. After Bill touches the woman's face, we can hear that he moves away by the way his voice quietens. 

We then hear what seems like him loading bullets into a gun and this is also suggested by the woman's facial expression becoming more alert and twitchy. She starts to speak, ''Bill, it's your baby'' BANG! He shoots the gun at her head, blood sprays out and it cuts to the credit of the director. It still made me jump even though I knew it was coming.

What I like about this opening was it's simplicity. The lack of editing meant it could stay on one shot for a long take but still keep me interested. I also liked the suspense it created through little sound and hiding the villain's face throughout the whole scene. The loudness and impact of the gunshot after the quietness and tension beforehand I think polished it off nicely.

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