Monday 25 March 2013

Pre Production

We created these photos for props as Polaroids of each character. We made them by taking pictures of each character and then printing the pictures on to photography paper. By having these, the characters are visually introduced. This shot is     generic to a scientific experiment so we decided to include it.

This is the news paper advert for the experient that is to follow throughout the film. The information that we wrote on the advert is specifically written so that the details connect to other things in  the opening sequence. One of the details is '£50/ per day' which links to the voice over saying that it was 'easy money' and that was the characters reason for signing up. The name 'Halow Lane' was chosen to be symbolic that the 'experiment' will be a dark experience. The articles around the advert were chosen specifically from real life past articles related to a scientific experient.

I planned out a character list - Myself and Isabella feature in the production as characters so we had to decide on an 'actor name' as our real names would come up in the titles for our specific tasks that we were responsible for as the creators of the film. So, for a more realistic approach we didn't want the actors and creators to have the same names.

We had a schedule for filming to make sure that all of the rooms, actors and resources would be available on the dates that we needed them. The crew and cast of our production would agree on a time that was appropriate for us all. Our media teachers also must have given us permission to proceed with filming when we asked to.

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