Sunday 24 March 2013

Audience Feedback on Locked In (rough cut)

Overall we felt we had received really positive feedback and were really happy with the response from the rest of the class. 

What the audience liked:

* The voiceover because it helped set the dark tone
* Smooth tracking shots
* The soundtrack creates a creepy atmosphere
* The title at the end creates an edgy feel as it comes into focus along with the shaky effect
* The ambiguous experimenter 

What the audience felt we could improve on:

- Be more dramatic with the titles. (we thought about speeding them up to give the end more impact)
- Reminds people of a trailer. (we thought fading to black contributed to this so we decided to cut to black instead. We also thought it was to do with the fact that we hadn't added in credits yet.)
- Too much soundtrack. (we thought about taking away some of the synth within the soundtrack because there are quite a few synth effects which possibly makes it sound slightly overwhelming!)
-The framing of the shot where Aisha bursts through the doors towards the end is unequal and also looks unrealistic as she's meant to be running in a hurry but she just stops halfway through the shot and then carries on. (we are going to reshoot this shot)
-The titles at the end go on for too long. (we are going to speed it up and cut to black)

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