Monday 15 April 2013

Aisha Kemp: Evaluation Question 6 - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Pre Production -
             -  Used this is to record our ideas, post product research, stages of production and the final products.
                 -  Useful as it allows you to write text as well as embed videos and images. 
                 -  Created a central area that all group members could refer, made the sharing ideas quicker and easier. 
                 - Mainly used to conduct product research - look at opening sequences. For this reason, YouTube has been an
                   effective digital technology as without it, product research would require having to purchase a DVD to watch
                   an opening sequence. YouTube is free, quick and easily accessible which is why it was greatly used in our pre
                   production proccess.
                 - Also used to post and share own products such as 'Vox Pop' audience research and post our thriller opening
                   firstly, an unfinished preview to consider our audiences views, and then to post our final product. 

                  - We used a Canon Legria High Definition DV camera with a built in memory. Using this camera, we could film
                     our thriller opening very smoothly as it was easy to use. The size of the camera was small so, it enabled us 
                     to carry around easily. Also, with the camera, we sometimes used equipment such as the trip to enable a 
                     still and steady shot, tracking poles for an effective and smooth tracking shot. We could have also used a 
                     crane however, our shots did not require this equipment. The camera was very easy to fix together with 
                     the equipment that we used.     

Post Production -  
  Adobe After Effects 
                 - We created our titles on this software. This techonogy allowed us to be creative as it was very flexible with
                   many options of fonts, sizes and styles. 
                 - As a group we discovered how to use After Effects by watchingYouTube tutorials. If we hadn't learnt                     how to use it we would have had to use the basic titles on iMovie.  
  Garage Band  
                 - We produced our soundtrack on Garage Band using the sounds provided. Again, this software allowed us to
                   be creative and produce sound and sound effects specifically how we wanted to to engage a thriller 
                   atmosphere with the audience. 
                 - iMovie was used as a space were we imported our footage that we filmed to then later edit it. 
                 - iMovie is a non-linear software therefore, it worked with us and our scheduling. We did not have to film each 
                   clip in the order of our story board. This was very helpful as it meant that for example if one day the
                   circumstances were better to film the middle of the film first rather than the beginning, we could do so, and
                   then once we importe all of our footage, we could arrage our opening sequence in the order of how we
                   planned it.

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