Sunday 14 April 2013

Mulki Raage Cayduruus: Evaluation Question 4- Who would be the audience for your media product?

By making questionnaires we found out more about our target audience and their expectations. We choose questions which we thought we needed a guidance with when it came to making choices about what the next stage would be. The questions also informed us about what our audience find most appealing in current films. As well as questionnaires we did a vox pop which involved going up to random member of our school and interviewing them about what they think a thriller should include.

A greater amount of our participants choose comedy as another genre which they enjoyed. As a group we were finding it difficult to try and include this genre in our thriller.  However after doing more project research we came across ‘The Breakfast Club’ which is about teenage stereotypes in society. This was a perfect film to take ideas from as the main character are a group of young people around the same age as our target audience.

The majority of our participants were female as we choose to hand out our questionnaires within our school. By making the protagonist a female, we would not only appeal to a greater amount of the audience but also have someone to associate themselves with.

Our cast portray a wide range of personalities which could attract a wider audience if the find that the can find traits in a character which they can also see in themselves.

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